Bringing back the people

Our project will restore, re-think and reinvent Wymering Manor for an exciting future back at the centre of the community

New places to meet, work and get involved at the heart of Wymering.

Interactive, immersive ways to discover the manor, its stories and the people who shaped it and saved it.

Affordable,  remarkable new event venues with a heritage like no other.

Restoration and re-invention

Problems with water incursion have caused significant harm to the structural integrity of the building. Extensive repairs to the structure will need to be carried out to make the building safe before restoration work can begin.

Play Video about Roof space

Take a virtual tour of the manor 

Our project architects are exploring new configurations of the existing spaces and new ways to use them. This new approach to the space will give the Manor new opportunities to raise revenues to make it more sustainable in the long term.

Painstaking conservation work will offer offer hands-on opportunities for young people to work alongside experts and to acquire new skills that will help them with future career opportunities.

Steel props support the failing structure of the drawing room and the Queen’s room above it

Peter Warren

Play Video about Chimney stack

The main chimney stack is subject to regular expert inspection

Embracing community

Wymering Manor is blessed with active, enthusiastic and knowledgable volunteers who get involved with everything from maintenance to open days to gardening. Our project plans will introduce a café where local people can drop by for a coffee and a chat,  find out more about the history of the house, or maybe take part in a book exchange or seed swap. Pop in for coffee, and go home with a book.

A new café

There will also be opportunities to become part of the community garden project, where they can grow flowers and produce in a mutually supportive and sharing group of like-minded people.

Refurbished spaces on the top floor will provide spaces for seedling entrepreneurial micro-businesses, offering meeting facilities, fast and reliable connectivity and a warm, co-operative environment for business to thrive and grow. Brilliant broadband will combine with barista coffee and Elizabethan woodwork.

A volunteer thrills visitors with an in-person tour

Sharing stories

As one of the oldest recorded houses in Portsmouth, the Manor is steeped in history. Expert volunteers already host excellent guided tours and open days at the Manor, and new set dressing and audio treatments will allow these to become more immersive.

A new interpretation scheme will extend throughout the house and gardens, using a mix of hands-on and digital technologies to share the fascinating stories of the former residents, explore how the house and its decoration has changed with each of its residents.

A place less ordinary

Restoration will bring splendour back to Wymering’s interiors. Facilities improvements for catering, toilets, connectivity and access will allow the Manor to provide first class hire spaces for all kinds of events from meeting hire for businesses to rooms for baby showers, and wedding celebrations.

Wymering’s long history of ghost stories make the Manor an irresistible draw for those with an interest in the paranormal. Newly refurbished interiors combined with better facilities will combine to make the Manor even more attractive to film and television crews, and to those staging live performances or in-person experiences.

The splendidly furnished Music Room

Wymering Manor Archives